PEER’s Approach to COVID-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lockdown Update PEER takes the health, safety and working environment of its staff, apprentices, host employers and the wider community very seriously. As you will be aware, the situation regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing...

Safety Alert – Sprains and Strains

As we come into colder weather the prevalence of sprains and strains increases, particularly for those that play sport or engage in heavy work activities. Sprains and strains are a common workplace injury, which may occur as a result of a simple incident from...

Safety Alert – Electric Shocks

Even the briefest contact with electricity (50v+) can have serious consequences to a person’s health and safety. High voltage shocks can cause more serious injuries including contact burns and damage to internal organs. Electric shocks may also lead to other injuries,...

Safety Alert – Heat-Related Illness

HEAT-RELATED ILLNESS SOLAR UV RADIATION Working in heat is a hazard that can result in severe health problems for many workers – whether they work indoors or outdoors. If the body has to work too hard to keep cool, it starts to overheat and a worker begins to suffer...

Asbestos Awareness Week 2020

ASBESTOS AWARENESS WEEK 23 – 29 NOVEMBER It is easy to forget that asbestos is still present in millions of Australian homes, but it’s a fact that if a house was built or renovated before 1990, there’s a good chance it has some asbestos. National Asbestos Awareness...


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