Inspiring futures for young women in trades!

Inspiring futures for young women in trades!

PEER, in collaboration with AGL and Inspiring Futures for Young Women Australia is promoting apprenticeship options for women in non-traditional female roles. Students across South Australia will participate in a ‘Girls Try a Trade’ event. This will provide them real...

Keeping your hands safe at work

SAFETY UPDATE WHAT TO DO TO KEEP YOUR HANDS SAFE AT WORK Safety gloves, as with any form of PPE, should be treated as a last line of defence in keeping your hands safe whilst working. What else can you do to ensure you don’t injure your hands? Download Contact Us WHAT...

Tradies National Health Month

AUGUST IS A TIME TO FOCUS ON THE HEALTH OF TRADIES AROUND THE COUNTRY This month we will be focusing on health issues prevalent to Tradies. Download Contact Us WAYS OF ENABLING YOU TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOU!  STEP ONE KNOW THE STATISTICS. Tradies account for...
Congratulations PEER Graduate Christopher Cowan!

Congratulations PEER Graduate Christopher Cowan!

MEDIA RELEASE On Thursday 23 November, the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) held its annual National Excellence & Apprentice Awards Presentation at the Sydney International Convention Centre. We are pleased to announce that PEER Data...


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