1042 Port Road Albert Park SA 5014

(08) 8348 1200

Shipbuilding Employment Pathways (SEP)

The Shipbuilding Employment Pathways (SEP) pilot initiative is positioned to attract and recruit apprentices in critical trades to increase Australia’s domestic skilled labour supply within the nuclear powered submarine and naval shipbuilding and sustainment...

Defence Industry Pathways Program (DIPP)

The Defence Industry Pathways Program (DIPP) is a 12-month paid traineeship that awards graduates with a 52904WA Certificate III in Defence Industry Pathways. This program provides hands-on training and experience across various sectors of the defence industry,...

Parent Information Night

Meet the PEER team and find out about our apprenticeship opportunities in: Plumbing Electrical Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engineering Fabrication (Boilermaking) Engineering General Mechanical Our friendly team will take you for a tour around our...


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