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The SMARTKit: Keeping Your Employees Safe

The SMARTKit is an interactive tool for all small to medium sized enterprises / businesses (SMEs) to develop a basic framework for managing workplace safety effectively.

This is used for businesses that are required to provide information to principal contractors before commencing work or when seeking to engage a PEER apprentice or trainee, SMARTKit provides you with one simple tool capable of producing all of the required Work Health Safety (WHS) documentation for you, (if you don’t already have a WHS System).

SMARTKit is here to assist you and to make your workplace safer for all concerned.

How does the SMARTKit work?

The SMARTKit helps you by identifying the type of work you are involved in and the risks you face.

By working through a series of questions, you will be offered all of the necessary safety policy and procedure documents relevant to your workplace.

These documents form a Safety Management System framework that provides a step-by-step instruction on how to manage your tasks and activities safely.

All policy and procedure documents are your own.

In one simple click, the documents are all available for download immediately.

All documents are labelled with your business name, authorising person and are “document controlled” so that you know your latest version.

You will be able to save and change your documents to meet your actual workplace practices.

Importantly, what you say you do is what you are expected to do!

Forms are also provided to support the procedural documents. These forms help provide evidence that you have completed what you say you are going to do and help you to work through your processes properly.

Under the South Australian WHS Act, it is mandatory to have safe systems of work relating to the arrangements at your workplace that protect the health and safety of your workers.

There are forms that are required to meet legal compliance when you are undertaking a workplace activity.

For more information on Smart Kit visit: http://project.gtasa.com.au

Request access to create your SMARTKit for free through PEER


"Having been a PEER Apprentice and experiencing the high quality training and support provided, I had no hesitation in hosting my own PEER apprentices."



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