Let PEER’s Apprenticeship experts help you train your apprentice your way
August 31, 2022

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Flexible Training

How can you get the most out of training your apprentice without sacrificing time or money? We start by structuring a flexible learning plan that is built around your work schedule, letting you choose between day or block release, delivering digital training that can be undertaken by the apprentice at your office, at PEER’s Albert Park campus, on site or, at home. Using our state-of-the-art training facilities, your apprentice can receive accredited trades training together with our respected industry trainers. Delivering teaching with our virtual classroom ensures a versatile and consistent learning experience online, supported by coaching and mentoring from trainers, allowing you to have your apprentice available and on site when you need them most.

Is your apprentice with another trade school? No worries, you can move your apprentice to PEER by simply filling out our transfer form on the website (peer.com.au/apprenticeship-training) and we’ll get in touch and help you with the rest. Our open enrolment timetable means you can transfer and sign up your apprentice with PEER at any time, from anywhere.

We’ll also get you across our transition plan for apprentices enrolled in the current Certificate III qualifications to make sure they are ready to go with the updated qualifications package released from Government.

Will you have a new apprentice soon? Call us on 8348 1200 and we’ll help get you on board.

When integrating on-campus and online learning, we are focused on ensuring training is completed according to plan, empowering your apprentice to manage their time better with more time to get things done.

We work cooperatively with you, helping build your apprentice’s capabilities to strengthen your business, access quality training adapted to your work program, successfully bringing the apprenticeship to completion.


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