WHS consultation policy

PEER Construction understands and recognises that workers’ input and participation improves decision making about health and safety matters and assists in the reduction of injuries and illness.


This policy defines the process of consulting with all people involved with the WHS operations at PEER Construction.

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • set a standard for PEER Construction in terms of risk management and procedures for communicating with all workers, clients and stakeholders.
  • align with the standard set by the PEER Construction Code of Conduct and legislative requirements.



This policy is designed to ensure all workers are aware of their responsibilities both professionally and personally with regards to work health and safety. PEER Construction has a duty to consult with workers as far as is reasonably practicable on WHS matters that directly affect their health and safety.

Managing WHS risks

It is necessary to consult all workers when identifying hazards, assessing risks and deciding on control measures for risks.

Managers will conduct regular safety meetings to encourage workers to talk about safety issues and help in identifying hazards.

Workers who will be affected by an identified risk will be encouraged to work in consultation with their manager to identify and choose effective and practical control measures.


The following are requirements of the policy.

Consult when making changes to work processes

Managers must consult with workers when planning to make changes to work that may affect the health and safety of workers.

Managers will consult with workers about changes to shift work, rosters, working procedures or work environment.

Consult when updating procedures

Procedures provide a series of steps and actions that must be followed when undertaking work activities.

Managers will consult workers when developing procedures for:

  • dispute resolution of WHS matters
  • consultation with workers on WHS matters
  • providing information and training.

Procedures will be developed to provide clarity and certainty in the workplace and serve as a tool to guide managers and workers about what is acceptable conduct in the workplace.

Keep documentation

Issues and outcomes should be documented.

Issues raised

If during consultation any health and safety issues are raised, then the risk should be addressed immediately (if possible) or reported to the manager by email.


Information and outcomes from consultation about WHS issues will be emailed to all PEER Construction workers.
Outcomes must be recorded on a WHS Record of consultation form.

Manager responsibilities

Provide and maintain:

  • a safe working environment
  • safe systems of work
  • plant and substances in safe condition facilities for the welfare of workers
  • information, instruction, training and supervision that is reasonably necessary to ensure that each worker is safe from injury and risks to health
  • a commitment to consult and cooperate with workers in all matters relating to health and safety in the workplace
  • a commitment to continually improve our performance through effective safety management.
Worker responsibilities

Have an obligation to:

  • comply with safe work practices, to avoid injury to themselves and others and damage to plant and equipment
  • take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others
  • wear personal protective equipment and clothing where necessary
  • comply with any direction given by management for health and safety.

Environment Protection Act 1993
Equal Opportunity Act 1984
Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)
Fair Work Act 2009

WHS Record of consultation form

Version 1.0 – Last updated 6/2/2022