Isolate gas supply procedure

This procedure provides guidance on the safe use of compressed gas cylinders and gas compliances.

These guidelines need to be followed to protect people, property and the environment from emergencies involving gas as well as ensuring compliance with relevant legislation.


The purpose of this procedure is to provide instruction for employees and others who work with gas appliances at PEER Construction.

Gas isolation procedure

  • Locate the meter box or bottles,
  • Inform all people impacted that you are going to isolate the gas supply.
  • Ensure all appliances are turned off, including all pilot lights.
  • Turn off the water supply to any water heaters that may be affected. This can be done at the appliance.
  • Isolate the supply at the meter or bottle depending on what type of gas you are isolating.
  • Do not assume the isolation valve works, test the isolation by turning on an appliance before cutting the pipework.
  • To be thorough, disconnect the meter or bottle from the pipework.
  • Once the service has been isolated, tag the valve/meter to alert anyone that the service is isolated and being worked on.
  • Again, test the appliance to ensure it is isolated.
  • Once you have confirmed the system is properly isolated you can commence work.
  • Report any faults that can’t be rectified (including gas meter) to supervisor.

Location of gas isolation valves

Gas isolating information




Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)
Codes of Practice
Dangerous Substances Act 1979
Dangerous Substances Regulations 2002
Environment Protection Act 1993

WHS policies and procedures

Version 1.0 – Last updated 19/2/2022