Induction policy

PEER Construction is committed to ensuring that our employees are appropriately inducted to enable them to perform their duties in a manner that protects them from injury and risks to health while at work.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure PEER Construction provides information and training to employees and contractors before they undertake any work or are exposed to risks to their health, safety and welfare. 


This document outlines the requirements for induction of new or transferred employees, contractors and visitors permitted to work on the site(s) owned or operated by PEER Construction and should be implemented before the commencement of work.

Induction program

All employees and contractors must undertake an induction program. The relevant manager/supervisor will induct them prior to then entering the site or commencing work. Induction should consider the type and level of risk involved in the position and area where the tasks are to be performed.

Managers and supervisors should use the induction checklist when conducting.

The induction program should include:

  • a basic understanding of the work and services provided by the company
  • a tour of the work or accommodation area
  • an explanation of local amenities
  • introductions to fellow workers in their work area
  • a description of general workplace hazards and safety signs
  • specific work health and safety instructions relevant to the company
  • details of emergency procedures including fire alarms, fire equipment, evacuation processes, first aid procedures
  • specific work requirements, tasks and working environment including safe work method statements (SWMS) and specific risks faced.

Managers and supervisors must ask employee questions about WHS and safe work practices one month after induction date.


The following are requirements of the policy. 

General construction induction

General construction induction will be carried out for all employees who are undertaking construction work prior to commencing work. The induction will be repeated if the worker has not carried out any work in the last 2 years. Workers must always carry their construction training card. 

Special needs

The special needs of new employees should be considered prior to commencement. Where written information is being provided as part of the consultation it should be translated into the appropriate language or accompanied by a summary in plain English or presented in a way that gives people an opportunity to have it explained or clarified in their own language. 

Transferring employees

Employees transferring to a new task or department must receive an appropriate induction for that area. Specific SWMS and risks exposure should be outlined to the employee prior to the commencement of duties in that area. 

Record maintenance

Employee, visitor and contractor induction records shall be maintained for a period of 3 years. 

Site inductions

Refer to the Site induction policy.


Induction Checklist must be completed by employee and supervisor.

Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)

Work Health and Safety Regulations, 2012 (SA)

Code of Practice – Construction Work 2011

Training & Supervision Procedure WHSPRO-322

Induction checklist form

Site induction policy

All PEER Constructions policies related to the employee job role

Version 1.0 – Last updated 6/2/2022