First aid policy

First aid is the immediate treatment or care given to a person suffering from an injury or illness until more advanced care is provided or the person recovers.


The aim of first aid is to preserve life, prevent harm and promote recovery. PEER Construction is committed to providing access to high quality first aid.

First aid requirements are determined by Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA).

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • describe the provision of first aid to people suffering injury or illness.
  • set a standard for PEER Construction in terms of work health and safety and risk management.
  • align with the standard set by the PEER Construction Policies and procedures manual and legislative requirements, especially the Equal Opportunity Act 1984, Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) and the Environment Protection Act 1993. 


The policy applies to all employees, contractors, clients or visitors to PEER Construction sites for:

  • injuries that may occur in the workplace (including fieldwork)
  • acute personal sickness that may impact employees, clients or others while at PEER Construction premises.

Any person on PEER Construction premises (employees, contractors, apprentices, subcontractors, visitors) will have reasonable access to first aid assistance should an injury or illness occur. First aid assistance will be provided by trained first aiders, where possible.


The process has the following components.

Policy implementation

PEER Construction ensures effective implementation of first aid through:

  • employees having access to policies and procedures relating to first aid
  • provision of tailored training to employees
  • recording first aid activities, including first aid training provided and undertaken, information provided to employees and use of PPE
  • mechanisms for monitoring compliance with first aid.

Employees must be consulted when making decisions about the facilities needed, including those for administering first aid. Consultation should include:

  • the number, location, and contents of first aid kits and other equipment such as defibrillators
  • the type of first aid facilities that may be needed
  • first aid procedures
  • the number of trained first aiders.
Risk management

PEER Construction will regularly assess, identify, and manage first aid risks. Employees will be educated in first aid awareness.

Appropriately qualified employees will be appointed as trained first aid personnel.

Mechanisms are in place for monitoring compliance with first aid policies.

Designated first aid officer

Trained first aid officers include a:

  • person who holds a current first aid certificate or occupational first aid certificate issued after successful completion of an approved first aid course
  • SA ambulance officer
  • registered nurse
  • medical practitioner.

A person with one or more of the above qualifications is appointed by the organisation to be the designated first aid officer.

First aid facilities

PEER Construction provides first aid facilities that are adequate for the immediate treatment of injuries and illnesses that may arise at the workplace. A first aid station sign will be placed outside the facility.

First aid kits

First aid kits should be kept in prominent and accessible locations at PEER Construction worksites. First aid kit signs must be located near the first aid kit. First aid kits should be kept in all PEER Construction vehicles for workers travelling to sites.

First aid information

  • A safety notice will be issued to all employees showing the location of first aid boxes. The safety notice will include the names of employees who can provide first aid.
  • All employees will receive information about first aid at induction.


  • The first aid supplies may be used as required by employees in consultation with any designated first aider.
  • All work related illnesses and injuries should be reported to a first aider (where available). This enables treatment to be provided if required and enables the persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to maintain a database of injuries that have occurred to assist in identifying hazards and managing workplace injuries and meets its reporting obligations to various bodies.
  • Misuse of the first aid supplies may result in disciplinary action being taken.
  • All injuries and illnesses that occur in the workplace must be reported immediately by the employee to the designated first aider. If the injured or ill person is incapacitated, any other worker who is aware of the injury or ill person must report immediately.
Personal protection

First aiders are to assume that all blood and other body fluids are infectious. They should be aware of standard precautions for managing blood and other body fluids, including wearing gloves when administering first aid.

Cross infection is managed while providing first aid by wearing gloves and washing hands with soap and water:

  • before and after contact with an ill or injured person
  • after contact with blood and/or other body fluids or contaminated items
  • when protective gloves are removed.

When soap and water are not available, first aiders will use an alcohol-based hand wash or equivalent.

PEER Construction provides personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect first aiders and ill or injured persons from risks of exposure to harm from sharp objects and blood or other body fluids.

PPE complies with relevant Australian standards and includes:

  • disposable PVC, latex, and/or heavy-duty gloves
  • eye protection, such as goggles and safety glasses
  • safety footwear
  • resuscitation masks.
First aid records

An Incident report form is to be completed by the trained first aid officer and/or person providing first aid and must include:

  • date and time
  • name of person receiving first aid
  • description of symptoms
  • treatment provided
  • name of person providing first aid
  • referral arrangements (e.g. ambulance, hospital, medical service) name of person completing Incident report form.

The original copy of the Incident report form is to be retained securely at PEER Construction office. If a person is transferred to a medical facility, they must take a copy of the Incident report form with them. All persons receiving and providing first aid have access to relevant Incident report forms arising from a first aid incident.

Responding to emergencies

The guidelines for responding to emergencies are below.

Responding to emergencies – general instructions

Responsibility: any person at the scene of an emergency

If first at the scene of an emergency:

  1. Assess the situation for immediate dangers to your safety and take appropriate steps to protect yourself.
  2. Alert personnel around you, call the emergency phone number, and advise the emergency warden.
  3. Assist any person in immediate danger if safe to do so.


  1. Contain or combat the emergency only if safe to do so.
  2. Evacuate to a safe location and follow instructions from the emergency warden.
  3. Notify your supervisor or manager.
Evacuating buildings or site area

Responsibility: any person on PEER Construction premises instructed to evacuate a building or site area either by means of an automatic or manual alarm or by verbal order.

Make all equipment safe.

Evacuate promptly from the building, or site.

Assemble at the Designated Assembly Point for that building or site area and:

  1. report to the emergency warden
  2. await further instructions
  3. do not leave, even if the emergency extends beyond normal working hours or into scheduled breaks
  4. follow all instructions from the emergency control personnel and emergency services personnel
  5. do not smoke.
Conducting a building or site area evacuation

Responsibility: area wardens and deputies

Investigate the emergency and decide on the need for evacuation when:

  1. there is a verbal report of an emergency by employees, apprentices, contractors, or subcontractors etc
  2. an indication of incident or problem.

Initiate an immediate evacuation of your area in the following cases:

  1. automatic evacuation alarm (not preceded by a verbal announcement to disregard it)
  2. instruction to evacuate given by PEER Construction emergency warden or by emergency services personnel.

If an evacuation is required:

  1. follow local emergency instructions to initiate an evacuation (if not automatically initiated)
  2. if you have observed tangible signs of an emergency, ensure the PEER Construction emergency phone number has been called
  3. put on your yellow helmet and vest
  4. conduct a thorough and systematic search of the area you control, advising all people to evacuate to the Designated Assembly Point
  5. ensure evacuation signs are placed in entrance doorways
  6. proceed to the Designated Assembly Point
  7. determine whether the Designated Assembly Point is safe and take appropriate action if not
  8. ascertain whether anyone appears to be missing
  9. report to the PEER Construction emergency warden (if applicable) or emergency services officer in charge the result of your area search and head count
  10. if necessary, take steps to prevent unauthorised persons from entering the building.
Responding to a written bomb threat

Responsibility: any member of PEER Construction receiving a written bomb threat

Avoid unnecessary handling of the letter, envelope, etc.

Preserve the evidence by placing it into an envelope or sleeve (preferably clear plastic).

Immediately report the matter to your supervisor or manager.

Responsibility: supervisor or manager

Contact the PEER Construction emergency phone number.

Responding to a phoned bomb threat

Responsibility: any member of PEER Construction receiving a phoned bomb threat

Refer to the South Australian terrorism website –

Responsibility: supervisor or manager

Contact the PEER Construction emergency phone number.

Responding to the discovery of a suspect object or receiving a suspect item of mail

Responsibility: any member of PEER Construction who discovers a suspect object or receives a suspect item of mail

Avoid handling the object or item.

Alert those nearby and retreat from the immediate area.

Immediately report the matter to your supervisor or manager.

Responsibility: supervisor or manager

Contact the PEER Construction emergency phone number.

Responding to incidents

The guidelines for responding to incidents are below.

Responding to incidents

Responsibility: any person at the scene of an incident

In all incidents, the priorities that must inform decisions made by employees are to:

  1. preserve the health and safety of nearby people
  2. render assistance to casualties, particularly by obtaining help from trained personnel e.g. PEER Construction first aiders
  3. Preserve relevant evidence for any investigation
  4. report the incident in accordance with this procedure
Responding to incidents that have not caused any injury or illness

Responsibility: any person at the scene of an incident

Take all reasonable steps to ensure the incident does not recur or worsen.

Responding to incidents that have caused injury or illness

Responsibility: any person at the scene of an incident

Organise, as far as practicable, the prompt examination of the casualty(s) by PEER Construction first aider.

Responsibility: PEER Construction first aider

PEER Construction site supervisor present at the scene

  1. If a PEER first aider is available, the first aider takes control of the situation. If no PEER first aider is available, the site supervisor present at the scene assumes control.
  2. Check that the area is safe.
  3. In consultation with the casualty – if conscious determine the appropriate course of action. Consider the following options:
    1. Assess the casualty.
    2. Make casualty comfortable and allow them to rest.
    3. Allow casualty to self-administer treatment if they suffer a diagnosed condition and carry appropriate medication.
    4. Provide first aid treatment.
    5. Treat simple injuries (e.g. sprains, or strains) that only require first aid kit.
    6. Advise casualty they should seek examination by a medical practitioner.
    7. Transport casualty to an appropriate medical service for prompt (but non-emergency) attention.
    8. Call an ambulance.

When consulting with a casualty, consider any factor thought to impair the casualty’s judgement such as:

  • disorientation, confusion, embarrassment, the injury itself, or a medical condition.
  • the possible side effects of pharmaceuticals, or the possible influence of alcohol or drugs.

Where a casualty is thought to have an impaired capacity for sound judgement and steadfastly refuses to follow the recommended course of action, take all reasonable steps to protect the person and others against the possible consequences of their actions. These steps may include contacting emergency services against the will of the casualty. Do not use physical coercion except in the most extreme situations and solely to protect your safety or that of others.

Where a casualty is unconscious, call an ambulance as far as practicable.

If, in the opinion of the PEER Construction first aider a casualty needs to be transported to a medical facility for prompt attention, you may organise transport depending on circumstances. Use ambulances or PEER Construction vehicles in preference to private vehicles. In general, casualties requiring medical treatment are deemed to be unable to drive safely. In such cases, unless the casualty repeatedly insists on leaving the site or incident scene by their own means, assign a reliable employee to drive the casualty to an appropriate medical facility. Whenever possible, a third person – usually a PEER Construction first aider – should accompany the casualty and driver to monitor the casualty’s condition and provide any necessary assistance.

Record casualty’s details and report all first aid incidents to the supervisor.

Responding to fatal incidents

Responsibility: any person at the scene of a fatal incident

If, following an apparently fatal injury or illness, there is any possibility that the casualty may still be alive, treat the casualty as an injured/ill person.

  • Call an ambulance immediately.
  • Seek assistance from a PEER Construction first aider or other qualified person to apply appropriate resuscitation techniques until relieved by personnel with higher medical or para-medical qualifications.

Preserve the incident scene except where measures are required to prevent further injuries or illnesses.

Ensure the Police have been called.

Equal Opportunity Act 1984
Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)
Environment Protection Act 1993

WHS Policy

Version 1.0 – Last updated 22/6/2022