Asbestos management policy

Asbestos should be removed where reasonably practicable before any work is undertaken in the affected area. If it is not possible to remove asbestos, adequate control measures must be implemented.


The purpose of this policy is to minimise the risk of exposure of workers to asbestos or asbestos containing material through work or unplanned exposure. 


This policy applies to all locations under PEER Construction control or where PEER Construction workers may be exposed to asbestos.

It is safe to assume no asbestos is present where:

  • a workplace was constructed post 1990 and there is no plant or equipment made prior to 2004.
  • in pre 2004 buildings the building (including the roof) is constructed entirely of metal, brick or concrete, and has no internal walls that are made of fibro, gyprock or similar cladding.
  • a register indicates that all the identified and assumed asbestos has been removed.

There is no requirement on the owners of domestic dwellings to obtain or maintain an asbestos register or management plan. This policy does not cover naturally occurring asbestos (NOA).


The following are requirements of the policy.

Protection of workers

All workers must be protected from exposure to asbestos fibres more than the exposure standards while working on asbestos containing material and while in the vicinity of work on the material. This may involve restricting access to areas containing asbestos or work on the material.

Asbestos register and management plan

PEER Construction will develop an asbestos register and review it every five years, or more frequently if more asbestos is identified, removed or the condition is altered. PEER Construction will employ a competent person to develop and maintain the register. The register will be readily accessible to workers or their representatives, who carry out or intend to carry out work at the workplace. Refer to the Asbestos register form.

Appropriate signage shall be provided to identify all locations with asbestos. Signs should conform to Australian Standard AS 1319 Safety Signs in the Occupational Environment. The wording used on the signs should be appropriate to the situation. A competent person should determine the number and location of signs.
Records management

If asbestos work is carried out, an asbestos work record shall be kept giving a description of asbestos work being performed, the name of the worker, dates and place of work.

A record of people working with or exposed to asbestos shall be kept and maintained for a period of 40 years from the date of the last entry and will be available for people assigning work, contractors and other interested parties.

Records of atmospheric monitoring must be maintained for 40 years.

Roles and responsibilities

The following roles and responsibilities apply.

  • Ensure asbestos registers and management plans are maintained and reviewed.
  • Provide asbestos registers to workers and contractors prior to work commencing.
  • Ensure where practical, asbestos is not removed or worked on, in a way that could disturb the asbestos present, other than by licensed asbestos removal contractors.
  • Ensure risk assessments and control measures are implemented.
  • Maintain records of the work undertaken accurately.
  • Hire only appropriately licensed contractors to undertake asbestos work.
  • Ensure all workers required to conduct any asbestos work have the necessary training and knowledge.
  • Ensure they are aware of the location of asbestos by consulting asbestos registers in any area they are required to work.
  • Do not enter restricted access areas without authorisation from their manager.
  • Follow all instructions and procedures to minimise exposure to asbestos.
  • Report any asbestos which has deteriorated from the description in the asbestos register or any deterioration in asbestos labelling to their manager.
  • Report any incidents of asbestos exposure.
Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)
How to manage and control asbestos in the workplace (2020) – Code of Practice
How to safely remove asbestos (2018) – Code of Practice
Asbestos management procedure
Asbestos register

The asbestiform varieties of mineral silicates belonging to the serpentine or amphibole groups of rock-forming minerals, including actinolite asbestos, grunerite (or amosite) asbestos (brown), anthophyllite asbestos, chrysotile asbestos (white), crocidolite asbestos (blue) and tremolite asbestos.

Asbestos containing material (ACM)
Any material or thing that, as part of its design, contains asbestos.

Competent person
A person who has acquired, through training, qualification or experience, the knowledge and skills to carry out the task (i.e. an occupational hygienist or licensed removalist) see code of practice for more details.

Friable asbestos
Material that is in a powder form or that can be crumbled, pulverised or reduced to a powder by hand pressure when dry, and contains asbestos.

Non friable asbestos
Material containing asbestos that is not friable asbestos, including material containing asbestos fibres reinforced with a bonding compound.

Version 1.0 – Last updated 20/6/2022